English Yuvakbharati - Junior College: July 2020

Marathi / Political science

Friday, July 3, 2020

Poem 2.6 Money

About the poet:
      William Henry Davies (1871 to 1940) :-  William Henry Davies was a Welsh poet and writer. He spent a significant part of his life as a tramp(a person who travel one place to another place) or hobo( homeless) in the United Kingdom and the United States. He became a peddler and street singer in England. After several years of a wandering life, he published his first volume, ‘The Soul’s Destroyer and other Poems’
About the Poem:
Present poem is taken from the The Soul’s Destroyer and other Poems’.It tells us about how rich person wants to be poor to experience what is mean by real happiness.Poet describes picture of two different life of person when he was rich person and when he turned to be a poor one.
   THEME  :  
                      The poet tells us information about two different life style.when the poet was a rich person he had a lot of friends who are untrue.They are selfish just for the sake of money they attracted towards him.he had no freedom .He can't do anything according his wish.he can't enjoy the happiness which the poor enjoyed in life.But when he unfortunately turned into poor one,his selfish friend went away and only few remained with him who were really intimate friends.


                    The poem consists of five  stanzas of four lines each. The rhyming scheme of the poem is abcb. The language is easy and simple  to understand and He used  poetic devices like simile , alliteration, Inversion,Antithesis etc. The rhyming words are poor-door,blow-know,light-night,frown-down,etc.

 Paraphrase of the poem :
Ist Stanza:-
      In the first stanza poet said that when he had a lot of money, he knew he can't enjoy joy,happiness until he went poor. There are lot of limitations and restriction for them .He has to follow all etiquette of manners or rich lifestyle .He can't take pleasure of street food,walking ,talking like normal poor people.   He had a lot of friends who were selfish .They were not intimate friends.Just for the sake of money they attracted or visited his home again and again.
IInd Stanza:-
    Second stanza describes that he felt like a child who had given a trumpet but he can't blow it because some one told him if he blow it,there has been death.Real happiness is not in the moeny but in the contentment or satisfaction.but I didn't dare it to tell this to the  false world.Let this false world know themselves.
IIIrd Stanza:-
    In the third stanza poet thinks deeply about the life and experienced it .He has seen poor man's heart is pure,pious and innocent which is light and free from any addiction. But their spouse are alway making complaints .From morning to evening they work hard but not earn enough money to complete their needs.Here poet compares 'wife ' to 'Bees' which never stop their humming sound.
IV th Stanza:-
    In the fouth stanza poet's express his desire.When he heard poor ones laughing he realized that they laugh easily ,frankly but we rich are worried.This makes poet wonder that it is the rich who should experience poverty and not the poor who should become rich to understand what is mean by true happiness in life.
V th Stanza:-
    In the last stanza ,Poet once again emphasizes that when he was rich person having lot of money,the men who claimed as his friends ,all are untrue or selfish .Due to the richness ,they attracted towards him. And when he turned into a poor one all his friends run away and only few remained back who are real friends.
Special Features:-
The Poem consists five stanzas of four lines each.The seven or eight syllable lines are short but rich in poetic devices.The rhyme scheme lends rhythm.Repeatation of the word ‘Money’ stresses the way as human give the importance to Money in life`
Message of the Poem:
The poem ‘Money’ gives the message is that Money does not bring the happiness .Happiness depends on the satisfaction.Poor  one are cheerful and happy whereas Rich looks worried.Thus Poem is useful to remind us the value of Money in our life.

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