English Yuvakbharati - Junior College: Conversation or Dialogue Writing

Marathi / Political science

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Conversation or Dialogue Writing

 Conversation or dialogue Writing

While writing the dialogue or conversation, we should take precautions as follows.
In examination this item is asked for 4 Marks.So minimum 8 sentence are required
Instructions to write dialogue
1.While writing the dialogue the names of person should be stated
2.After writing the dialogue colon is given
3.Salutations and other words showing respect and manners are used.
4.Conversation should be natural , interesting  and realistic
5.The conversation should not be reduced to a gossip
6. writing can be as simple as conversation between two friends, student, teacher up to the most professional interviews and conference
01 ) Conversation between mother and daughter  at morning.
Mother :  Mira  ,you must wake up  now.  It is already 6 o’clock,
Mira      : Oh! Mama! Please let me sleep a few minutes more.
Mother : NO! NO! You have to take bath, do your hair, take 
your milk and get ready for school.
Mir      : What bother!
Mother : Don’t be silly .Is it any  bother going to school?
Mira : I am sorry, mother. Please forgive me.
Mother : That’s nice gilr.Come on get ready.
Mira : In a moment, Mama.

02 ) Conversation between two friends
Rajiv  :  when do you go to bed ?
Sanjay : At about 11 O’clock.
Rajiv : why so late?
Sanjay : I watch tv programs daily.
Rajiv : You are lucky. Doesn’t your father make you go to bed early?
Sanjay : No, he doesn’t. He is however; very particular about the serials I view.
Rajiv : which serial do you view?
Sanjay : short educative ones.
Rajiv : you are truly fortunate ones.
Sanjay : When do you go to bed?
Rajiv : At half past nine.
Sanjay : so early?
Rajiv : yes .and I get up early 6 O’clock. Remember the proverb, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
Sanjay : oh! I see! I must remember it.
03 ) Conversation between two friends about to visit computer and science exhibition (on telphone)
Uday : hello! Who is it?
Tushar : Hello, Uday .Tushar here.
Uday : Tushar , how are you ?
Tushar : Fine, Thank you .Hello , what about visiting the exhibition this evening ?
Uday : Exhibition?
Tushar : The science and computer exhibition at the Nehru centre.
Uday : Yes, I hear a great deal about it.
Tushar : Let’s go at five in the evening.
Uday : Today?
Tushar : Why not ?
Uday : Sorry, my auntie is coming to see us this evening. Will we go tomorrow?
Tushar: fine.bye
Uday : bye 
04 ) Conversation between you and the stranger directing him about the way.
Stranger: Excuse me, sir.
You : What can I do for you, sir?
Stranger: Very sorry to bother you but I confused. Would you kindly tell me the way to district court?
Y : you seem to be new here.
S : Yes, you are right .I just come here from Nagpur.
Y : Well, you go to straight along this road and you will see the post office. Turn there to your right and continue walking for a couple of minutes.
S : I See. Then.
Y : Then you will come the big circular park. As you are going on foot, you should enter the park.
S : Is the district court away from here? If so, I might go by bus or..
Y : No, no .It is not that far away. You get out of the park on the other side and ahead of you; you will find a two floor building built in red brick.
S : Is that district Court?
Y : Right, That is the district court.
S : Thanks a lot sir
Y : You are welcome
05 ) Conversation between the  you  and salesman ( giving the gift to brother)
Salesman: Good afternoon, sir or Madam
You :  Good afternoon.
S : What can I do for you?
Y : Would you kindly help me select an appropriate and decent gift for my brother?
S : very gladly, sir. How old is your bother?
Y : Nineteen years
S : And the occasion, sir?
Y : He scored 95 % marks in SSC exam.
S : Hearty congratulation to him. What do you want to gift him?
Y : something that can be remembered for a long time?
S : Then, give him a wrist watch in golden shade.
Y : It‘s very nice concept. Show me some popular models.
S : kindly follow me to the section of gifts for gents. Here you are, sir
Y : Its nice watch, what the price is it?
S : only 1500 Rupees, sir
Y : All right .Pack this one, please.
S : Thank you sir, you are welcome
06 ) Conversation between the interviewee and the officer
Interviewee : good morning, sir
Officer :good morning . Have a seat , please .What’s your name?
I : Jadish pathak
O : What are your educational qualifications?
I : sir, I am a graduate of Nagpur University. I scored 85 % marks in it.
O : Which is your favorite subject?
I : I like English , math’s and science equally?
O : how old are you ?
I : Twenty – two
O : Why are you trying to get a job of clerk when you have such a grand academic record?
I :I have tried for better jobs but it seems that now only educational qualification is not sufficient to get good job. Most of them needs donation.
O : Do you mean to say that merit has no role to play in such matters.
I :Its  my own experience , sir.
O : What about typing and stenography?
I : I completed Marathi as well as  English typing .My speed is 40 WPM in both language.I also completed  the stenography.
O :Have you any experience of clerical work?
I :At present time , I have no experience about it. But I assured you if you give me chance to serve in your kind control, I would prove myself better.
O : Have you submitted all your relevant certificates and testimonial to our office ?
I : Yes sir, I have sent all the necessary papers along with my application.
O :Well, you will know our decision sometime next week.
I : Thank you sir.
07) Conversation between a teacher and a  student.
student : Good Mornig, sir
Teacher: very good morning .How did you fare in your examination?
S : Not so well , sir
T :Why , what happened ? Didn’t you study properly ?
S : That’s not the reason sir . In Science II , one question was out of the syllabus .
T :Oh ! Don’t worry about it all. You will get marks for that.
S : Thank you , sir . But by chance if they don’t give ?
T : Hey ! don’t be silly. I am sure you ‘ll. Come on, now be happy
S : yes sir, but all of us are worried.
T :Then tell your friends to meet me tomorrow.
S : Yes sir. Thank you sir. Bye sir
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