English Yuvakbharati - Junior College: Test 1.2 Model Anser Test no 2

Marathi / Political science

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Test 1.2 Model Anser Test no 2

 Model Answer Sheet  Test no 2


3] Rearrange the following statement by the occurrence of it in the passenger’s behaved rudely.

1) Housemaid had answered back to the cook

2)Cook had been insolent to employer’s wife

3)) Employer’s wife henpecked him at breakfast.

4) Employer had not said ‘Good Morning’ to passenger

5) Passenger had not said ‘Top Please’

6) Liftman throws passenger’s out of the lift.


i)Because passenger was rude and ill mannered towards the liftman.

ii)So Liftman was acutely hurt by the slur cast on his social status and also passenger’s discourtesy was a wound to his self -respect.

iii)He felt insulted by the passenger’s discourtesy

A3) It means that when we had physical injury, it can be recovered soon by applying some medicine on it.And we can forget about this.But when our self-respect or pride wound by someone’s action ,It is not recoverable and forgettable for a long period of time .

A4](Personal Reaponce


i)        It unrecognizes the laceration of our feelings.  

ii)      The world is infected  with our ill -humours by us

iii)     Bad Manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life.

Simple Present Tense

A6) Vocabulary:                                                                                                                                                                02

i)    Find out any two compound words from the passage.

I) Breakfast     ii) housemaid

ii)  Write the meaning of following words.

i)Redress               -- to remedy

ii) Henpecked        -- being controlled by  and frightened of one’s wife

iii)Brooding Over           --  Thinking anxiously     

iv) Vanity                              --Pride

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