English Yuvakbharati - Junior College: Test on 1.1 Second Test

Marathi / Political science

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Test on 1.1 Second Test

Test No 1.

Read the extract and do the activities that follow

                                            Extract Page no 2 and 3 

(Punctually at midday----------------'rays and moving shadows.)  
    A1)   Global Understanding 

 I) Write whether  the following statements are true or false.  

1 ) The astrologer’s appearance had good colour combination     

2) ‘Raja's Delicacy’ was a fancy name of the equipment used by the Astrologer   

         3) The astrologer had his own light to run his business.  

         4)The astrologer was punctual in his daily work. 
      II) Enlist professions mentioned in the extract. 

A2)    Describe  
        Describe how the place was useful to the Astrologer.  

A3)     Explain  

        The Astrologer’s eyes were considerably powerful and effective- explain.

 A4)     Personal Response  

        Write about your favourite profession with it’s necessary equipment.  

 A5)     Language study   

1) People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos.
            ( Identify figure of speech used in the given line and explain)

 2) The place was lit up by shop lights. 
            ( rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Shop lights--’)  

A6) Vocabulary 

Write at least four words used in the text related with the astrologer’s profession.  

                                                                            Test Prepare by  M.D.Ghodake    


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