English Yuvakbharati - Junior College: Test 1.1 Answers of Test first

Marathi / Political science

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Test 1.1 Answers of Test first


Expected Answer:-

A1) Global Understanding.

State who said to whom.

i)                   Guru Nayak said to Astrologer

ii)                 Astrologer said to Guru Nayak

iii)               Guru nayak’s Spouse to Guru nayak

iv)               Guru nayak’s Spouse to Guru nayak

A2) Complex Factual.

Ans:- When Astrologer was silly youngster ,Both he and Guru Nayak drank wine and also play a gamble. In the play they cheated each one and quarrelled badly. The result of the quarrel ,Astrologer tried  to kill him and thrown him into the well. Astrologer thought that he was murderer. That was the load on the astrologer’s mind.

A3) Explain.

Because when Astrologer was picking up all his material to close the shop, a client stood in front of him and forced him to tell the solution of his problem. Looking at him Astrologer identified him and try to get rid from him but Nayak forced him and did not allow him to go home.

A4) Personal Response.

Do you feel guilty of any past deed? Explain.

A5) Language Study.

i)                   The other said reflectively why he should be left home again.

ii)                 I was promised a Rupee by him the voice)

A6) Vocabulary

            I           Ans:-  i) Annas  II) Pyol

            II Ans:-

i)                   Dissatisfied - gratified

ii)                 Light               - Darkness

iii)               Dead              - alive

iv)               Clever                        - Silly

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