English Yuvakbharati - Junior College: 2020

Marathi / Political science

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Test 1.2 Model Anser Test no 2

 Model Answer Sheet  Test no 2


3] Rearrange the following statement by the occurrence of it in the passenger’s behaved rudely.

1) Housemaid had answered back to the cook

2)Cook had been insolent to employer’s wife

3)) Employer’s wife henpecked him at breakfast.

4) Employer had not said ‘Good Morning’ to passenger

5) Passenger had not said ‘Top Please’

6) Liftman throws passenger’s out of the lift.


i)Because passenger was rude and ill mannered towards the liftman.

ii)So Liftman was acutely hurt by the slur cast on his social status and also passenger’s discourtesy was a wound to his self -respect.

iii)He felt insulted by the passenger’s discourtesy

A3) It means that when we had physical injury, it can be recovered soon by applying some medicine on it.And we can forget about this.But when our self-respect or pride wound by someone’s action ,It is not recoverable and forgettable for a long period of time .

A4](Personal Reaponce


i)        It unrecognizes the laceration of our feelings.  

ii)      The world is infected  with our ill -humours by us

iii)     Bad Manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life.

Simple Present Tense

A6) Vocabulary:                                                                                                                                                                02

i)    Find out any two compound words from the passage.

I) Breakfast     ii) housemaid

ii)  Write the meaning of following words.

i)Redress               -- to remedy

ii) Henpecked        -- being controlled by  and frightened of one’s wife

iii)Brooding Over           --  Thinking anxiously     

iv) Vanity                              --Pride

Test On 1.2 Test no 2


Lesson 1.2 On Saying “Please”

Activity Sheet (Extract No 02)

Q. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.                                                          12

“The law does not compel me to say………………………………………… the general life than all the crimes in the calendar.”

A1) Complete the Web Chart     

3] Rearrange the following statement by the occurrence of it, the passenger’s behaved rudely.

i) Liftman throws passenger’s out of the lift

ii) Housemaid had answered back to the cook

iii) Passenger had not said ‘Top Please’

iv) Cook had been insolent to employer’s wife

v)Employer had not said ‘Good Morning’ to passenger

vi) Employer’s wife henpecked him at breakfast.

A2) Give Reason                                                             02

I)   Lift man behaved rudely with Passenger.  OR

     Lift Man throw out passenger out of the lift

A3)Explain                                                                      02

The pain of kick on the shins soon passes away but the pain of a wound to our self -respect may poison a whole day.

A4) Personal  Response:                                               02

Law is useful to maintain peace in society. Explain your thoughts regarding this.

A5) Language Study:                                                    02

i)    It does not recognize the laceration of our feelings. (Make it positive)

ii)   We infect the world with our ill -humors. (Change the voice)

iii)   Bad Manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life. (Identify the tense of the sentence)

A6) Vocabulary:                                                           02

i)   Find out any two compound words from the passage.

ii)    Write the meaning of following words.

i)     Redress                                        ii) Henpecked

ii)     Brooding over                           iv) Vanity

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Test 1.1 Model Answers Test-02

Modal Answer Test no - Second 


I) True /False

1 ) Ans-True 

 2) Ans-False 




i)Medicine sellers,         ii) sellers of hardware and junk 

iii) Magicians                 iv) an auctioneer of cheap cloth

v) vendor of fried groundnut.    

A2)Describe how the place was useful to the Astrologer.  

Ans The place was useful to the Astrologer because variety of trades were there to attract enough crowd from the whole town. 

A3) Explain  The Astrologer’s eyes were considerably powerful and effective- explain.  

Ans The Astrologer’s eyes were considerably powerful and effective because of its sharp abnormal gleam ,prophetic light and its place between the dark painted forehead. 

A4) Personal Response  

Ans – My favourite profession is vendor of flowers. It needs colorful flowers, needle ,thread and clean attractive shop. 

A5) Language study   

1)Ans- Simile  ,  people are directly compared with bees  

2)Ans- Shop lights lighted the place. 

A6) Vocabulary 

Write at least four words used in the text related with the astrologer’s profession.  

Ans  cowrie   shell ,mystic chart , palmyra ,square of clothe, sacred ash etc 

                                                                        {Prepared by M.D.Ghodake}


Test on 1.1 Second Test

Test No 1.

Read the extract and do the activities that follow

                                            Extract Page no 2 and 3 

(Punctually at midday----------------'rays and moving shadows.)  
    A1)   Global Understanding 

 I) Write whether  the following statements are true or false.  

1 ) The astrologer’s appearance had good colour combination     

2) ‘Raja's Delicacy’ was a fancy name of the equipment used by the Astrologer   

         3) The astrologer had his own light to run his business.  

         4)The astrologer was punctual in his daily work. 
      II) Enlist professions mentioned in the extract. 

A2)    Describe  
        Describe how the place was useful to the Astrologer.  

A3)     Explain  

        The Astrologer’s eyes were considerably powerful and effective- explain.

 A4)     Personal Response  

        Write about your favourite profession with it’s necessary equipment.  

 A5)     Language study   

1) People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos.
            ( Identify figure of speech used in the given line and explain)

 2) The place was lit up by shop lights. 
            ( rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Shop lights--’)  

A6) Vocabulary 

Write at least four words used in the text related with the astrologer’s profession.  

                                                                            Test Prepare by  M.D.Ghodake    


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Test 1.1 Answers of Test first


Expected Answer:-

A1) Global Understanding.

State who said to whom.

i)                   Guru Nayak said to Astrologer

ii)                 Astrologer said to Guru Nayak

iii)               Guru nayak’s Spouse to Guru nayak

iv)               Guru nayak’s Spouse to Guru nayak

A2) Complex Factual.

Ans:- When Astrologer was silly youngster ,Both he and Guru Nayak drank wine and also play a gamble. In the play they cheated each one and quarrelled badly. The result of the quarrel ,Astrologer tried  to kill him and thrown him into the well. Astrologer thought that he was murderer. That was the load on the astrologer’s mind.

A3) Explain.

Because when Astrologer was picking up all his material to close the shop, a client stood in front of him and forced him to tell the solution of his problem. Looking at him Astrologer identified him and try to get rid from him but Nayak forced him and did not allow him to go home.

A4) Personal Response.

Do you feel guilty of any past deed? Explain.

A5) Language Study.

i)                   The other said reflectively why he should be left home again.

ii)                 I was promised a Rupee by him the voice)

A6) Vocabulary

            I           Ans:-  i) Annas  II) Pyol

            II Ans:-

i)                   Dissatisfied - gratified

ii)                 Light               - Darkness

iii)               Dead              - alive

iv)               Clever                        - Silly

Test On 1.1 First Test


1 An Astrologer’s Day

Test No :- 1 Page No 7 & 8

Paragraph – Words 314

[ “Why should I leave home again?”. …………………… and stretched himself on the pyol ]

A1) Global Understanding.

State who said to whom.

I)                   He has escaped my hands.

II)                He was crushed under a lorry.

III)              Twelve and half annas.

IV)             I can buy some jiggery and coconut tomorrow.

A2) Complex Factual.

Describe the load on the astrologers mind.

A3) Give Reason.

Astrologer reached home late at midnight.

A4) Personal Response.

Do you feel guilty of any past deed? Explain.

A5) Language Study.

I)                   “Why should I leave home again?”, the other said reflectively.

(Change the reported speech)

II)                He promised me a Rupee.(Change the voice)

A6) Vocabulary

1.         I)Find the examples of code mixing from the extract.

2.      II) Give antonyms of-

i)                   Dissatisfied

ii)                 Light              

iii)               Dead             

iv)               Clever                       

Friday, July 3, 2020

Poem 2.6 Money

About the poet:
      William Henry Davies (1871 to 1940) :-  William Henry Davies was a Welsh poet and writer. He spent a significant part of his life as a tramp(a person who travel one place to another place) or hobo( homeless) in the United Kingdom and the United States. He became a peddler and street singer in England. After several years of a wandering life, he published his first volume, ‘The Soul’s Destroyer and other Poems’
About the Poem:
Present poem is taken from the The Soul’s Destroyer and other Poems’.It tells us about how rich person wants to be poor to experience what is mean by real happiness.Poet describes picture of two different life of person when he was rich person and when he turned to be a poor one.
   THEME  :  
                      The poet tells us information about two different life style.when the poet was a rich person he had a lot of friends who are untrue.They are selfish just for the sake of money they attracted towards him.he had no freedom .He can't do anything according his wish.he can't enjoy the happiness which the poor enjoyed in life.But when he unfortunately turned into poor one,his selfish friend went away and only few remained with him who were really intimate friends.


                    The poem consists of five  stanzas of four lines each. The rhyming scheme of the poem is abcb. The language is easy and simple  to understand and He used  poetic devices like simile , alliteration, Inversion,Antithesis etc. The rhyming words are poor-door,blow-know,light-night,frown-down,etc.

 Paraphrase of the poem :
Ist Stanza:-
      In the first stanza poet said that when he had a lot of money, he knew he can't enjoy joy,happiness until he went poor. There are lot of limitations and restriction for them .He has to follow all etiquette of manners or rich lifestyle .He can't take pleasure of street food,walking ,talking like normal poor people.   He had a lot of friends who were selfish .They were not intimate friends.Just for the sake of money they attracted or visited his home again and again.
IInd Stanza:-
    Second stanza describes that he felt like a child who had given a trumpet but he can't blow it because some one told him if he blow it,there has been death.Real happiness is not in the moeny but in the contentment or satisfaction.but I didn't dare it to tell this to the  false world.Let this false world know themselves.
IIIrd Stanza:-
    In the third stanza poet thinks deeply about the life and experienced it .He has seen poor man's heart is pure,pious and innocent which is light and free from any addiction. But their spouse are alway making complaints .From morning to evening they work hard but not earn enough money to complete their needs.Here poet compares 'wife ' to 'Bees' which never stop their humming sound.
IV th Stanza:-
    In the fouth stanza poet's express his desire.When he heard poor ones laughing he realized that they laugh easily ,frankly but we rich are worried.This makes poet wonder that it is the rich who should experience poverty and not the poor who should become rich to understand what is mean by true happiness in life.
V th Stanza:-
    In the last stanza ,Poet once again emphasizes that when he was rich person having lot of money,the men who claimed as his friends ,all are untrue or selfish .Due to the richness ,they attracted towards him. And when he turned into a poor one all his friends run away and only few remained back who are real friends.
Special Features:-
The Poem consists five stanzas of four lines each.The seven or eight syllable lines are short but rich in poetic devices.The rhyme scheme lends rhythm.Repeatation of the word ‘Money’ stresses the way as human give the importance to Money in life`
Message of the Poem:
The poem ‘Money’ gives the message is that Money does not bring the happiness .Happiness depends on the satisfaction.Poor  one are cheerful and happy whereas Rich looks worried.Thus Poem is useful to remind us the value of Money in our life.

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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Poem.2.4 Have you earned your tomorrow

                              Have you earned your tomorrow

About poet:-

Edgar Guest

        Edgar Albert guest was a British born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as the people's poet. The language used by him was so simple to understand. Peoples easily understood the meaning of the poem. He has began his writing career in 1895 at the age of fourteen. His poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view  of everyday life.

About poem:-

        It was first published in The Detriot free press around 1916.In this poem the speaker is asking the readers if they have done anything to improve the life of another human being or not . The poem is address to the reader. Here poet use personal pronoun 'you' to refer the reader and also use 'him' to refer the stranger or known person to whom the reader meet.It is a 4 stanza poem having four lines each.First two and last two lines are rhymed with each other of each stanza. Each stanza contains at least 2 , sometimes 3 questions which probe at once treatment of others.

Paraphrase of poem

First Stanza:-

        In the first stanza poet ask three questions to The reader. He asks reader if anyone remember you when you pass him / her way due to your deeds. Is there anyone who can remember you  to whom you spoke today ?. At the end of working day, is there anyone who can utter or speak kind word to you?. First two questions are the emphasis on unprompted kindness of you. And the last question is about the result of your action that someone calls you.

Second stanza:-

    In the second stanza poet asks if the reader greeted his friends cheerfully or you behaved rudely with them just saying a quick "Hello' and finally you disappeared into the crowd . Did you act selfish and uncaring with them?. He also asks if there was anyone who was thankful you for your help.

Third stanza:-

        In the third stanza poet ask about the readers action poet says that everyone to whom you crossed them they will need different kinds of help. He ask if he had helped anyone fellow during the daytime. Was there anyone whose heart rejoiced due to your action and looked forward courageously?. If you did all these things, it would be sufficient to have " Earned your tomorrow".

Fourth Stanza:-

        In the last stanza poet ask the reader how you spent your day. If you wasted your day without helping others , without creating pleasure in their heart, without increasing hopes into them, without creating smile on their face, you wouldn't have the rights to earn your tomorrow. On the other hand if it was well spent , there will be trial of kindness marking once path through the day. The last two lines tells the reader if you are unsure how is your day was spent, just close your eyes in slumber and think about what God would have to say you. If you spent the day well , definitely tomorrow is assured, and if you don't spent well, tomorrow might not come.

Message to the reader :-

        Here the poet Edgar guest delivers a message through this poem, the message is that if you wasted your day without doing good things for others, without creating smiles on others face, you would not earn your tomorrow. If you spent well your day, definitely tomorrow is assured for you.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Poem 2.5 Father Returning Home

About the poet:
       Dilip Purushottam Chitre (1938-2009) who was celebrated bilingual poet and translator with a remarkable work in Marathi and English language. He was also a painter, filmmaker and magazine columnist. he received the prestigious sahitya akademi award for his poetry as well as his well-known translation work 'Says Tuka' popular abhangas by Sant Tukaram.
About the Poem:
Present poem is taken from the 'Travelling in a Cage'.It is an autobiographical poem which describes the portrait of Suburban commuter who travels daily on daily basis from home to his workplace.it describes loneliness of a person who is a breadwinner of the family he was neglected ,uncared and not given any importance in his own family.
   THEME  :  
                      It is an autobiographical poem.Poet expressed his  feelings towards his father at and old age.it is an account of an old man who worked continuously for his family to complete their needs. But his family members did not share their joys and sorrows with this hard working person.No one is there to take care of him, to converse with him or to understand him.In short we can say that it is  an account of any old man who does the hard work for his family but leads a tiresome ,lonely and dull life.


                    The poem consists of two stanzas of 12 lines each. It is written in free verse with no particular meter or rhyme scheme followed. The language is easy and simple but full of symbolic expressions and poetic devices like simile , alliteration, transferred epithet, onomatopoeia etc. It is in first person narrative  poem where the poet-speaker narrates his father's life.Poet has used imagery and various descriptive words.

 Paraphrase of the poem :
Ist Stanza:-
      The poem opens with description of his father's return journey towards home from office by train. The father is travelling in a late evening train after finishing his work for the day like other thousands of other commuters. ‘Late evening train’ may indicate he has no personal method of transportation and hour of his journey is late.Father stands among commuters in yellow light of a local compartment. Silent commuters means no will,energy to carry conversations.  Yellow light indicates tiredness of father.Father is not interested to watch  the views outside the train again and again.(unseeing eyes).
The poet tells about the pathetic condition of his father ,as he travels during rainy season.His clothes become damp and dirty.His black raincoat becomes stained with mud and eyesight has become poor.The bag he was carrying was stuffed with books and he was struggling to handle it.The poet’s father gets down from the train. Here Dilip Chitre has used  simile in comparing his father to a  word in a long sentence.He says that his father gets down just "like a word dropped from a long sentence".The father crosses the railway line and runs towards his house,through muddy lanes.His chappals become sticky with mud.
IInd Stanza:-
    Second stanza describes the isolation state of his father in his own home.The poet tell us that his father drinks 'weak tea' and eats 'stale chapati' .This creates an unpleasant atmosphere.Nobody cares for him even at home. He goes into the toilet to think deeply and to seperate himself from mam made world.Toilet is a symbol of his small world.He is terribly shaken when he comes outvof the toilet and trembles (shakes) while washing his hands at the basin. Shaking and trembling of his body indicates his old age and his over thinking about his loneliness. Grey hairs stand for the old age. His children do not interact with him. They do not share their happiness and sorrows with him. Father listens to the radio.Then he goes to sleep.In his sleep,he dreams about his ancestores (  grandparents ,great grandparents & so on )and grandchildren. He thinks about nomads( tribes)entering a subcontinent through a narrow pass. This indicates how society has changed since the ancient times.
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